
We never cease to be inspired by the rich historical design and exquisite craftsmanship manifest in so many of the textiles we’ve selected. From room size Oriental carpets, fine needlepoint cushions, American and British quilts, ethnic and tribal textiles, we have built an eclectic mix of wonderful decorative textiles.  

Antique Persian Bakhtiari Saddle Bag

Antique Persian Bakhtiari Saddle Bag

H:184 x W:80 cm
A rare find in its original form retaining both piled faces and flat woven backs and braided ties, soft pastel colours, in very good condition, early 20th century could easily be turned into a large and impressive cushion.
English 18th c Needlework PanelEnglish 18th c Needlework Panel

English 18th c Needlework Panel

Frame size H:63 x W:50 cm
Depicting an urn filled with flowers the panel was once mounting as a pole screen. It retains an original decorated paper backing, a very fine example in good condition.
Pair, Antique Turkoman Bag FacesPair, Antique Turkoman Bag Faces

Pair, Antique Turkoman Bag Faces

W:56 (each) x D:55 cm
Unusual striped or row design of characteristic motifs of soft rose and rust red colours would make great cushion covers. Good pile with some small losses.